This colorful illustration is from 'The Golden Egg Book', first published in 1947. Illustrators were so botanically accurate, even in a child's book. The Bergamot is just gorgeous. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said… this book illustration that you posted...the Jack-in-the-Pulpit is fantastic and are those Lily of the Valleys? I see Trillium, one of my favorites; which is the Bergamot? It is one of my favorite essential oils. Must get this book...and your blogs are just terrific...can you tell that I am a gardener too?
thank you Nickie..
The bergamot is the wonderful scarlet flower with the bunny/purple ribbon. It is in the mint family and a fantastic tea herb. It will take over a semi-shade flower bed, for it does not appreciate full sun or dry soil. In Pa. this runner plant grows prolific next to a water source.
I purchased this republished children's book at Walden's last Easter.

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