Summers in Rolfe

My summers, as a youth, were spent at my Grandparent's home, on my Father's side. Me and my younger Brother, Stephan, would walk from the westend part of town to what is called 'Rolfe'. To enjoy eating Count Chocula and Wheaties, morning game shows and watching my Grandfather putter about in his garden. He was set in his planting ways with using only his true tried and tested 'Blackseed Simpson' lettuce, 'Kentucky Wonder' pole beans, 'Lady Bell' Bell peppers, 'Hungarian Hots' banana peppers, 'Early Girl' tomatoes and his crooked neck yellow summer squash/green zucchini .
My Grandmother tended the herb and posie patch with just the same as last year attitude. Her herbs weren't as diversified as they were in later years but, she did have those gotta have, curly parsley and chives along with her sweet peas and red geraniums. All the wonderful shrubbery was in place also including a mock orange bush, Japonica, peonies, lilac, forsythia and my favorite 'Dutchman's Pipe' vine traveling on the side of the front porch trellis. This vine would flower mid-summer with the most wonderful pipe looking yellow and brown flowers and the leaves were bigger than dinner plates. The mock orange, with its fragrant blooms, was my favorite place to play under when it was let to have its arching branches down to the ground, for it would turn into a play house.
They lived off the back porch which faced the backyard gardens and my Brother and I lived under it in a fabulous fenced in sand box with a little gate to keep the neighborhood kitties out. Long hours were enjoyed in this out of the sun hideaway making cities, castles and just keeping our bodies cool on the hottest of midsummer days.


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